Bonhams has a number of sales coming up of art and furniture in all there US sales locations, so check out their web site if you are in New York, Los Angeles, of San Francisco for more information. I just highlight a few here.
- April 27 (New York) Fine European Furniture and Decorative Arts. Preview days April 24 - 27 time of sale. This Chinese lacquered pig skin trunk would make a great coffee table and add wonderful color to a room.
Bonhams Lot 2121. Est $1,500 - $2,500
- May 9 (San Francisco) Furniture and Decorative Arts. Preview days May 7 - 9 time of sale.
- May 16 and 17 (Los Angeles) 20th Century Furniture and Decorative Arts. Preview days to be advised.
- May 4th Impressionist/Modern Evening Sale. Preview days April 30 - May 4th time of sale. This sale is not really for home decorating unless you are fabulously wealthy. But it is wonderful for seeing museum quality art that for a fleeting moment is out in public before going back in to private hands.
Christies - Kees van Dongen. Est $7 million - $10 million
Copake Auction (Copake, NY)
Copake is an authetic country auction venue. You really have to go in person to see the items because they can often look better on line. But going is lots of fun, so if you're in Columbia County make a day of it, and visit Hudson antique shops as well!
- May 15th Unreserved catalogued estate sale. Preview days May 13 - 15 time of sale (5pm). There are a few preview photos on line so far. It looks like they will offer a selection of carpets, quilts, and furniture.
- On May 5th Doyle has three art sales in one: Modern, English and American. Preview days are May 1 - 4. Below is by an American Impressionist painter who is represented in a number of museums, including the Metropolitan Museum and the Smithsonian.
- May 19 Important English and Continental Furniture and Old Masters Preview days May 15 - 18. This gaming table makes an excellent table for an entry or a dining room.
Doyle Lot 117 George II Gaming Table. Est. $1,500 - $2,000
Sotheby's New York
May is the month for the Impressionist sales. Sotheby's has theirs May 5th, with preview days April 30 to May 5. It's well worth a visit for museum quality art. This Modigliani has been in a private collection and will no doubt return to one. Visit the calendar for more auctions.
May is the month for the Impressionist sales. Sotheby's has theirs May 5th, with preview days April 30 to May 5. It's well worth a visit for museum quality art. This Modigliani has been in a private collection and will no doubt return to one. Visit the calendar for more auctions.
Sotheby's Lot 7 - Amedeo Modigliani. Est $8 million - $12 million
Stair Galleries, Hudson. NY
- May 8 and 9 American, English and Continental Furniture and Decoration Preview days start April 24th and run mostly weekends until the sale. Check the web site. This drum table more closely resembles the one I featured in my blog of April 15th on Re-Creating the Look. These make great entry tables or even a small dining table if you don't have much room. It looks to be a bargain as well!
Stair Lot 622 George III Drum Table $1,000 - $2,000
- May 21 'Exposition Auction'. For preview days check their website. They start May 15th. I almost always try to go to these now since they usually have a number of opportunities for good buys.
Neither Clarke Auction, nor New Orleans Auction have May auctions posted yet, but it's worth keeping an eye out.