Monday, June 20, 2011

Living Auction Decorating

We have finally moved in to our new house which has been under construction for 2 years. Still some things to do, but mostly there. I thought I'd take a few photos of Auction Decorating in action in my own home.

This is the sitting area in our bedroom. The sofa and chairs were bought at Lots Road auction while we were living In London. We bought them with our new house in mind and love them now that we found a spot for them. The Chinese table in front of the couch was purchased at Stair Galleries auction in Hudson New York for a song! It was an opportunistic purchase on the day. It fits well with my mantra to mix old and new, and always have some Asian influences.

The candelabra was also bought at Lots Road, and is a piece of sculpture to me. I also think it warms up the space. It weighs a ton, and luckily was shipped as part of my expat assignment shipment on our return to the US.

Our dining area is part of an open plan living room, kitchen and dining. The table was also an opportunistic buy at a Stair Galleries auction. We attended the auction, bid on several things and lost all of them. This came up towards the end, and it didn't get much take up. We paid $300! Not bad.

The rug is from a Lots Road auction. The chairs are from Room and Board. The chandelier is from Ochre. The antique English oak console table is early 18th century and was inherited. I love mixing the new with antiques. I never want to be a slave to one period of style.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!! I'm from
    West Loop Lofts,I was really amazed with your decorating ideas it was totally brilliant
